Seminar on- “Cyber Crime Awareness” by Asian School of CyberLaws

A Seminar was delivered by Adv. Chaitanya Mohan bhandari about Cyber Crimes Awareness.The event was conducted in M.S. Gosavi Seminar Hall on 13 th of January,2018 at 11.00 a.m. The Audience consisted of third year students of Computer Engineering and E&TC Engineering.The main agenda of the seminar was to aware students about the latest Cyber Crimes happening in our City and to also shift the focus of Students Community on increasing rate of Cyber crimes in Maharashtra. Cyber Crimes like Cyber fraud, Cyber theft, Cyber Pornography, Phishing, ATM fraud, Identity theft were discussed in the Seminar also the preventive measures given to the students. The seminar was really useful to the students as Technology is much required in todays Technosavy world and so are the counter measures to ensure
protection against Cyber Crimes.

"Hadoop In Action " workshop was conducted on 27th Dec 2014 by Prygma Information Systems, Ahmednagar For ME Computer Engineering Students.

A workshop covered Hadoop multinode configuration and Implement of Digital Library Infrastructure using Hadoop and distributed database storage. To develop front end GUI and algorithm for searching the multimedia resource files, presentations in the selected domain, author, book title, ISBN and Use of different search exploration techniques.

One day workshop on “Unix Shell Script “ by Mr. Deepak R. Kadam Sr. System Engineer, IBM Pvt.Ltd.

One day workshop on Unix  Shell Script by Mr. Deepak R. Kadam Sr. System Engineer, IBM Pvt.Ltd on 8th March 2014. The workshop was conducted for ME Computer Engineering Students. The contents covered under this workshop are   Shell Environment and variable, Control Construct ,  Advance Command , Edit – vi and sed , Text File processing – awk , Archiving Utilities , Sub-scripts and functions, Arrays, Find,  grep, Process Controls, Memory Allocation and Inter process Communication.

Technical Events for Students


S. No




Introduction to Python


Conducted by :- Prof. S. V. Ghorpade

Fundamentals of Python Prog., Syntaxes, Sample Progs.


Technical Quiz


Conducted by :- Prof. A. P. Shiralkar

Quiz based on C, C++, Java, Networking Concepts


Technical Discussion on Job Opportunities


Conducted by :- Prof. N. V. Alone & Prof. A. P. Shiralkar

Emerging Job & technology on IT Industry


Introduction to Android


Conducted by :- Prof. S. V. Ghorpade

App Development tools and Techniques


Soft Skills Techniques


Conducted by :- Prof. A. P. Shiralkar

Group Discussion & Personal Interview


Introduction to Ubuntu


Conducted by :- B. E. Students ( Mr. Ravi & Mr. Navin)

Installation of Ubuntu


Career Opportunities for Computer engineering Students


Conducted by :- TIMES Academy

Emerging Trends,  Job Opportunities& technology on IT Industry


Introduction to Java Programming


Conducted by :- Prof. G. K. Bhamare

Interview Questions on Java and Discussion Session


Aptitude Sessions


Conducted by :- B. E. Students ( Miss Ashwini Borase & Miss
Ashwini Dabhade)

Practice Sessions for TE Students of Aptitude and Quantitative


Expert Session


Conducted by :- Mr. Prakash Ekhande ( Alumni)

Alumni Interaction with TE Students


GUI Programming in Python  ( Second Year Students)

28/12/2015 & 02/01/2016

Conducted by :- Prof. S. V. Ghorpade

Fundamentals of Python Prog., Syntaxes, Sample Progs.


Internet of Things ( Second year)


Conducted by :- Dr. R. S. Tiwari ( External Expert Session)

Intro to ARDINO & Sensors


Introduction to LATEX Tool ( Third Year Students)


Conducted by :- Prof. K. C. Kulkarni

Template Creation in LATEX


Wireless Network Concepts ( Third Year Students)


Conducted by :- Prof. S. R. Lahane

Basics of Networking and introduction to Computer Netwroks


Introduction to Java Programming Session – I ( TE Students)


Conducted by :- Prof. G. K. Bhamare

Database Connectivity in Java & Android


Introduction to Java Programming Session – II ( TE Students)


Conducted by :- Prof. G. K. Bhamare

Basics of CORE Java and Discussion Session


Goal Based Planning & Time Management ( Final Year Students)


Conducted by :- Dr. D. V. Patil

Emerging Trends,  Job Opportunities& technology on IT Industry


Introduction to Internet of Things ( Final Year Students)


Conducted by :- Prof. C. R. Barde

Applications of IRT and Sensors


Red Hat Certification  (TE Students)


Conducted by :- IRT Academy

Introduction to RED HAT Certification and Job Opportunities






















One Day Seminar on “Digital Forensics & IT Security”

Computer Engineering Department held a seminar focused on the intersection of Digital Forensics & IT Security. The  seminar was conducted on 28th July 2014. About 200 students attended seminar from various engineering colleges in Nashik. Inaugration was done at the hands of  Principal, Dr.P.C.Kulkarni. Head of the Computer engineering department Prof.N.V.Alone, Prof. Mrs. Archana Vaidya-Student Branch Coordinator ,Mr.Vinay Hinge from VH Consulting ,Mumbai(CRISC Certified)- a Strategic Consulting Firm at Mumbai ,Mr.Tanmay Dikshit International Professional Level 25+ Certification, completed Information Security and Cyber Crime Expert from CPAG, nashik and Mr.Paresh Chitnis forensic document examiner from CPAG nashik were guests for the workshop. The Seminar was sponsored by CSI Branch, Nashik

Mr.Vinay Hinge, in the first session stated importance of security and career opportunities as well as informed about various certification courses available in security domain.

Mr. Paresh Chitnis explored various branches of Digital Forensics and Tools used for investigation.He gave information about laws and cases related to Information Security and Digital Forensics.

Mr. Tanmay Dikshit demonstrated various cyber crime detection tools in brief.He gave an overview of Digital Forensics.

One Day Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development Program

As a part of “ Industry Institute Interaction”, Computer Engineering Department organized one day seminar on “Entrepreneurship Development” for Student  on 29th July 2015. The eminent expert for the seminar were :-
  • Mr. Piyush Somani (Founder, MD & CEO, ESDS, Nashik)
  • Mr. Santosh Mandlecha (Senior Vice Presidant, MACCIA)
  • Mrs. Neha Khare (Chairman, YEW, MACCIA)
The eminent guest Shared their valuable experience and motivated students for becoming entrepreneur. The seminar was attended by second year, Third year and final year students.  The seminar was arranged by Mrs. Rucha Samant of Computer department under the support and guidance of  HOD of computer department, Mr. Nilesh V.  Alone and Principal Dr. P. C. Kulkarni .


Lecture on “Unicode”

Nashik CSI Chapter organized a lecture talk on “Unicode”.

An essential part of this seminar is to educate and engage academic and scientific communities, and the general public. He appeals to all, including the Government of India, to become member of its consortium and make available the different Indian regional languages on globe. The seminar was attended by the participants from academic, industry and researchers also.

Mr. Madhav Shirvalkar, IT columnist